To be able to realize their forest ownership when, for example, time or knowledge is not sufficient, services are an important support for forest owners. However, a study of the forestry organizations’ strategies to reach “new” forest owners shows that…

Author: Elias Andersson
#MeToo highlights the consequences of inequality in the forest sector
At the end of 2017 and early 2018, 150 testimonies from women in the forest sector on various types of violations were published under #finalfelling. This was done in parallel with that similar experiences from other sectors were made visible…
Opposition reveals new ways to adapt forestry to climate change
Climate change carries with it new risks and challenges, for both forestry and the individual forest owner. Previous studies have shown, however, that there are difficulties within forestry in adapting forest management to new conditions. This study discusses how some…
A weak forest-owner perspective on climate change adaptation creates obstacles
The changing climate places demands on an adapted forest management and use in order to minimize the risks. Despite this, the level of climate change adaptation in many areas of forestry continues to be low. A comparative study of Sweden…
Traditions hinder forests’ adaptation to climate change
As the climate changes, so do the forest and the conditions for forestry. This demands an adaptation of forest management in order to minimize risks and create conditions for forests that will be healthy and resilient in the future. However,…
Traditions challenge gender-equality work in Swedish forestry
In a traditionally men-dominated industry like forestry, work for gender equality can be a great challenge. Traditions and norms constitute challenges as they generates different forms of resistance. However, as a new research article shows, this resistance may also present…
Women’s networks within forestry create room for change
The Swedish forestry industry depends heavily on private forest owners and their resources. Within a historical perspective men performed the heavy manual labor of logging, and remained in charge of the operations when the industry later became more industrialized and…